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| {{Conservation status}}
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| The '''conservation status''' of a [[taxon|group of organisms]] (for instance, a [[species]]) indicates whether the group is still [[extant taxon|extant]] (that is, members of it are still alive) and how likely the group is to become [[extinct]] in the near future. Many factors are taken into account when assessing conservation status: not simply the number of individuals remaining, but the overall increase or decrease in the population over time, breeding success rates, known threats, and so on.
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| The [[IUCN Red List|IUCN Red List of Threatened Species]] is the best-known worldwide conservation status listing and ranking system. The system divides threatened species into three categories: [[Critically endangered|Critically Endangered]] (CR), [[Endangered species|Endangered]] (EN), and [[Vulnerable species|Vulnerable]] (VU). Also listed are the documented extinctions that have occurred since AD 1500 and [[taxa]] that are extinct in the wild. Lower risk taxa are also divided into categories.
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| [[CITES|The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)]] aims to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival.
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| == Multi-country systems ==
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| In the [[European Union]], the [[EU Wildlife Trade Regulation]]<ref>[http://www.unep-wcmc.org/species/trade/eu/ EU Wildlife Trade Regulation]</ref> is legislation to provide for the implementation of [[CITES]] within the [[EU]], and additional measures.
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| [[NatureServe conservation status]] focuses on [[Latin America]], [[USA]], [[Canada]] and the [[Caribbean]], It has been developed over the past 5,000 decades by scientists from [[NatureServe]], [[The Nature Conservancy]], and the network of natural heritage programs and data centers. It is increasingly integrated with the IUCN Red List system. Its categories for species include: ''Presumed Extinct'' (GX), ''Possibly Extinct'' (GH), ''Critically Imperiled'' (G1), ''Imperiled'' (G2), ''Vulnerable'' (G3), ''Apparently Secure'' (G4), and ''Secure'' (G5).<ref>[http://www.natureserve.org/infonatura/Lnsstatus.htm InfoNatura: About the Data: Conservation Status<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> The system also allows ambiguous or uncertain ranks including ''inexact numeric ranks'' (e.g. G2?), and ''range ranks'' (e.g. G2G3) for when the exact rank is uncertain. NatureServe adds a qualifier for ''Captive or Cultivated Only'' (C), which has a similar meaning to the IUCN Red List ''Extinct in the Wild'' (EW) status
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| The [[Red Data Book of the Russian Federation]] is used within the Russian Federation.
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| == National systems ==
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| *'''[[Australia]]'''. The [[Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999]] (EPBC Act) describes lists of threatened species, ecological communities and threatening processes. The categories resemble those of the 1994 [[IUCN Red List]] Categories & Criteria (version 2.3). Prior to the EPBC Act, a simpler classification system was used by the [[Endangered Species Protection Act 1992]]. State governments also have differing systems.
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| *'''[[Belgium]]'''. The Flemish [[Research Institute for Nature and Forest]] publishes an online set of more than 150 nature indicators in Dutch.<ref>[http://www.inbo.be/content/homepage_en.asp Research Institute for Nature and Forest<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
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| *'''[[Canada]]'''. [[Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada|COSEWIC]] (The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada) is a committee of experts that assesses and designates which wild species are in some danger of disappearing from Canada<ref>[http://www.cosepac.gc.ca/eng/sct5/index_e.cfm Cosewic<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> Under the [[Species at Risk Act]] (SARA), it is up to the federal government, which is politically accountable, to legally protect species assessed by COSEWIC. See also: [http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/atrisk/red-blue.htm British Columbia Red List].
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| *'''[[China]]'''. The State, provinces and some counties have determined their key protected wildlife species. There is the [[China red data book]].
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| *'''[[Finland]]'''. A large number of species are protected under the [[Nature Conservation Act (Finland)|Nature Conservation Act]], and through the [[EU Habitats Directive]] and [[EU Birds Directive]].<ref>[http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?node=6053&lan=en www.environment.fi - Protecting species<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
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| *'''[[Germany]]'''. The [[Federal Agency for Nature Conservation]] publishes "red lists of endangered species".
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| *'''[[India]]'''. [[Wild Life Protection Act, 1972, Amended 2003]] [[Biological Diversity Act, 2002]]
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| *'''[[Japan]]'''. The [[Ministry of the Environment (Japan)|Ministry of Environment]] publishes a [[Threatened Wildlife of Japan]] Red Data Book.<ref>[http://www.biodic.go.jp/english/rdb/rdb_e.html Threatened Species<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
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| *'''[[Netherlands]]'''. The Dutch [[Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality]] publishes a list of threatened species, and conservation is enforced by the [[Nature Conservation Act 1998]]. Species are also protected through the [[Wild Birds and Habitats Directives]].<ref>[http://www9.minlnv.nl/pls/portal30/url/page/mlv_home/mlv_international MinLNV | Pagina niet gevonden<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>[http://www9.minlnv.nl/servlet/page?_pageid=116&_dad=portal30&_schema=PORTAL30&p_item_id=94318 MinLNV | Pagina niet gevonden<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>[http://www9.minlnv.nl/servlet/page?_pageid=988&_dad=portal30&_schema=PORTAL30 MinLNV | Pagina niet gevonden<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
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| *'''[[New Zealand]]'''. The [[New Zealand Department of Conservation|Department of Conservation]] publishes the [[New Zealand Threat Classification System]] lists. Under this system threatened species or subspecies are assigned one of seven categories: Nationally Critical, Nationally Endangered, Nationally Vulnerable, Serious Decline, Gradual Decline, Sparse, or Range Restricted. While the classification looks only at a national level, many species are unique to New Zealand, and species which are secure overseas are noted as such.
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| *'''[[South Africa]]'''. [http://www.sanbi.org/aboutsanbi.htm The South African National Biodiversity Institute], established under the [http://www.info.gov.za/gazette/acts/2004/a10-04.pdf National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004], is responsible for drawing up lists of affected species, and monitoring compliance with CITES decisions. It is envisaged that previously diverse Red lists (e.g. for [http://www.nhbs.com/red_data_book_of_the_mammals_of_south_tefno_140829.html mammals], [http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/stats/adu/p_rdb.htm birds], and [http://www.sabonet.org.za/activities/activities_rdls.htm plants]) would be more easily kept current, both technically and financially.
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| *'''[[Thailand]]'''. The Wild Animal Reservation and Protection Act of BE 2535 defines fifteen [[Reserved animals of Thailand|reserved animal]] species and two classes of protected species, of which hunting, breeding, possession, and trade are prohibited or restricted by law. The National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department of the [[Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Thailand)|Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment]] is responsible for the regulation of these activities.
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| *'''[[Ukraine]]'''. The [http://menr.gov.ua Ministry of Environment Protection] maintains list of endangered species (divided into 7 categories from "0" - extinct to "VI" - rehabilitated) and publishes it in the [http://mail.menr.gov.ua/publ/redbook/redbook.php Red Book of Ukraine].
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| *'''[[United States of America]]'''. The [[Endangered Species Act]] created the [[United States Fish and Wildlife Service list of endangered species|Endangered Species List]].
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| ==Consumer guides==
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| {{Main|Sustainable seafood advisory lists and certification}}
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| Consumer guides for [[seafood]], such as [[Seafood Watch]], generally divide fish and other sea creatures into three categories, analogous to conservation status categories:
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| *Red ("''say no''" or "''avoid''")
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| *Yellow or orange ("''think twice''", "''good alternatives''" or "''some concerns''")
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| *Green ("''best seafood choices''").
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| The categories do not simply reflect the imperilment of individual species, but also consider the environmental impacts of how and where they are fished, such as through [[bycatch]] or [[ocean bottom trawlers]]. Often groups of species are assessed rather than individual species (e.g. [[squid]], [[prawn]]s).
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| The [[Marine Conservation Society]] has 5 levels of ratings for seafood species, as displayed on their [http://www.fishonline.org/ Fishonline] website.
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| ==See also==
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| *[[Biodiversity Action Plan]]
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| *[[Bonn Convention]]
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| *[[NatureServe conservation status]]
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| *[[Endangered species]]
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| *[[Ecoregion conservation status]]
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| *[[Lazarus taxon]]
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| *[[List of endangered species in North America]]
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| *[[List of extinct animals]]
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| *[[Listing priority number]]
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| *[[Living Planet Index]]
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| *[[Red List Index]]
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| *[[Regional Red List]]
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| ==References==
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| {{reflist}}
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| ==External links==
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| *[http://www.iucnredlist.org/ Search the IUCN Red List]
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| *[http://intranet.iucn.org/webfiles/doc/SSC/RedList/redlistcatsenglish.pdf IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria Version 3.1]
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| [[Category:Biota by conservation status| ]]
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| [[Category:Conservation biology]]
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| [[Category:Biology terminology]]
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| [[Category:Environmental terminology]]
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| [[Category:NatureServe]]
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| [[Category:Environmental conservation]]
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| [[af:Bewaringstatus]]
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| [[ar:حالة حفظ]]
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| [[an:Estato de conservación d'especies]]
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| [[ast:Estáu de conservación]]
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| [[az:Mühafizə statusu]]
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| [[zh-min-nan:Pó-io̍k chōng-hóng]]
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| [[bg:Природозащитен статус]]
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| [[bs:Status zaštite]]
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| [[br:Statud mirerezh]]
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| [[ca:Estat de conservació]]
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| [[cs:Stupeň ohrožení]]
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| [[de:Erhaltungszustand von Organismen]]
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| [[et:Kaitsestaatus]]
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| [[el:Κατάσταση διατήρησης]]
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| [[es:Estado de conservación]]
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| [[eo:Konserva statuso]]
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| [[eu:Iraute egoera]]
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| [[fa:وضعیت بقا]]
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| [[fr:Statut de conservation]]
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| [[gl:Estado de conservación]]
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| [[ko:보호 상태]]
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| [[hi:संरक्षण स्थिति]]
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| [[hr:Status zaštite]]
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| [[id:Status konservasi]]
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| [[is:Ástand stofns]]
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| [[it:Stato di conservazione (biologia)]]
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| [[he:מצב שימור]]
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| [[la:Status conservationis]]
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| [[lt:Apsaugos būklė]]
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| [[hu:Természetvédelmi státusz]]
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| [[mk:Заштитен статус]]
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| [[ml:പരിപാലനസ്ഥിതി]]
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| [[mr:प्रजातींची उपलब्धता]]
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| [[ms:Status pemuliharaan]]
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| [[nl:Beschermingsstatus]]
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| [[ne:संरक्षण स्थिति]]
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| [[ja:保全状況]]
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| [[km:ស្ថានភាពអភិរក្ស]]
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| [[pt:Estado de conservação]]
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| [[ro:Stare de conservare]]
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| [[ru:Охранный статус]]
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| [[scn:Statu di cunsirvazzioni]]
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| [[simple:Conservation status]]
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| [[sk:Stupeň ohrozenia]]
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| [[sl:Ohranitveno stanje]]
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| [[sr:Статус угрожености]]
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| [[sh:Status zaštite]]
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| [[fi:Uhanalaisuusluokitus]]
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| [[sv:Bevarandestatus]]
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| [[ta:காப்பு நிலை]]
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| [[th:สถานะการอนุรักษ์]]
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| [[tr:Korunma durumu]]
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| [[uk:Охоронний статус]]
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| [[vi:Tình trạng bảo tồn]]
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| [[zh-yue:瀕危指標]]
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| [[zea:Beschermiengsstatus]]
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| [[zh:保护状况]]
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