テンプレート:Hazchem O
2013年12月3日 (火) 09:21時点におけるTfuruya (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「{{validSVG}} == {{int:filedesc}} == * '''Description:''' :*{{en|The hazard symbol for oxidating substances according to directive 67/548/EWG by the European Chemicals Bur...」)
テンプレート:(!cellspacing="0" style="color:#000;background:#EFE;border:1px solid #55B05A;margin:.1em;width:;"
| style="height:29px;line-height:2.1em;padding:0;vertical-align:middle" | ファイル:Valid SVG 1.1 (green).svgテンプレート:0The source code of this SVG is valid.
- Description:
- English: The hazard symbol for oxidating substances according to directive 67/548/EWG by the European Chemicals Bureau.
- Deutsch: Das Gefahrensymbol für brandfördernde Substanzen nach der Richtlinie 67/548/EWG vom European Chemicals Bureau (Chemikalienfachstelle der EU).
- Italiano: Simbolo di pericolo per le sostanze ossidanti secondo la direttiva 67/548/EWG dell'Ufficio Chimico Europeo.
- Source: Converted from EPS file at http://forum.cptec.org/index.php?showtopic=368
- Date: 11 August 2006
Older version: From clipart Gallery on sodipodi.com, April 29, 2006
See ECB hazard symbols for all symbols.
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This work is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship. |
derivative works
Derivative works of this file: ECB Hazard Symbol O.svg