このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:Languages/doc に作成できます
Not globally exposed. Internal function only.
language_subpages( frame, transform, options )
frame: The frame that was passed to the method invoked. The first argument or the page argument will be respected.
transform: A transform function. Example: function( basepagename, subpagename, code, langname ) end
options: An object with options. Example: { abort= { on=function() end, time=0.8 } }
Following options are available:
abort: Aborts iterating over the subpages if one of the conditions is met. If the process is aborted, nil is returned!
on: Function to be called if an abort-condition was met.
cycles: The maximum number of subpages to run over.
time: Maximum time to spend running over the subpages.
function language_subpages( frame, transform, options )
local args, pargs, options = frame.args, ( frame:getParent() or {} ).args or {}, options or {};
local title = args.page or args[1] or pargs.page or pargs[1] or "";
local abort = options.abort or {};
local at, clock = type( abort.on ), os.clock();
local ac = function()
if at == 'function' or ( at == 'table' and getmetatable(abort.on).__call ) then
local tt = type( transform );
local page = require( 'Module:Page' );
title = page.clean(title);
if tt == 'function' or ( tt == 'table' and getmetatable(transform).__call ) then
local fetch, pages, langcode, langname = mw.language.fetchLanguageName, {};
for pg in page.subpages( title, { ignoreNS=true } ) do
if abort.cycles then
abort.cycles = abort.cycles - 1
if 0 == abort.cycles then return ac() end
if abort.time then
if (os.clock() - clock) > abort.time then return ac() end
if mw.ustring.len( pg ) <= 12 then
langcode = string.lower( pg );
langname = fetch( langcode );
if langname ~= '' then
table.insert( pages, transform( title, pg, langcode, langname ) );
return pages;
return {};
function cloneArgs(frame)
local args, pargs = {}, {}
for k,v in pairs( frame.args ) do args[k] = v end
if frame:getParent() then
for k,v in pairs( frame:getParent().args ) do pargs[k] = v end
return args, pargs;
local p = {};
function p.internal(frame)
pages = language_subpages( frame, function( title, page, code, name )
return mw.ustring.format( '<span lang="%s" xml:lang="%s" class="language lang-%s"><bdi>[[%s/%s|%s]]</bdi></span>',
code, code, code, title, page, name
return table.concat( pages, ' · ' );
function p.external(frame)
pages = language_subpages( frame, function( title, page, code, name )
return mw.ustring.format( '<span lang="%s" xml:lang="%s" class="language lang-%s"><bdi>[%s/%s %s]</bdi></span>',
code, code, code, tostring( mw.uri.fullUrl( title ) ), page:gsub( ' ', '_' ), name
return table.concat( pages, ' | ' );
This function iterates over all language codes known to MediaWiki based on a maintained list
replacing patterns in a pattern-string for each language
|before=string to insert before iteration
|after=string added after iteration
|sep=separator string between iterations
|inLang=langcode used for $lnTrP and $lnTrUC1
pattern: A pattern string which is processed for each language and which is concatenated at the end and returned as one string
before: A string that is inserted before the concatenated result
after: A string that is inserted after the concatenated result
sep: A string that is inserted between each line created from the pattern while iterating (like ProcessedPattern_sep_ProcessedPattern_sep_ProcessedPattern)
inLang: Langcode to use for $lnTrP and $lnTrUC1
$lc - language code such as en or de
$lnP - language name in own language
$lnUC1 - language name in own language, first letter upper case
$lnTrP - language name translated to the language requested by language code passed to inLang
$lnTrUC1 - language name translated to the language requested by language code passed to inLang, first letter upper case
{{#invoke:Languages|forEachLanguage|pattern=<span lang="$lc" xml:lang="$lc" class="language lang-$lc">[[Page/$lc|$lnP]]</span>}}
-- =p.forEachLanguage({ args= { pattern = "$lc - $lnTrP\n", inLang = "en" } })
function p.forEachLanguage(frame)
local l = require( "Module:Languages/List" )
local ret = {}
local lang = mw.language
local contentLangInstance = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local langInstance = contentLangInstance --Quota hit here otherwise
local fetch = lang.fetchLanguageName
local line
local pattern = frame.args.pattern or frame.args[1] or ""
local before = frame.args.before or frame.args[2] or ""
local after = frame.args.after or frame.args[3] or ""
local sep = frame.args.sep or frame.args.separator or frame.args[4] or ""
local inLang = frame.args.inLang or frame.args[5] or nil
local langName
local langNameUCFirst
local langNameTranslated
local langNameTranslatedUCFirst
local langNameUCFirstReq = not not pattern:find( "$lnUC1", 1, true )
local langNameReq = not not pattern:find( "$lnP", 1, true ) or langNameUCFirstReq
local langNameTranslatedUCFirstReq = not not pattern:find( "$lnTrUC1", 1, true )
local langNameTranslatedReq = not not pattern:find( "$lnTrP", 1, true ) or langNameTranslatedUCFirstReq
for k, v in pairs( l.list ) do
line = pattern:gsub( "$lc", v )
if langNameReq then
langName = fetch( v )
line = line:gsub( "$lnP", langName )
if langNameUCFirstReq then
--langInstance = mw.getLanguage( v ) --Quota hit here
langNameUCFirst = langInstance:ucfirst( langName )
line = line:gsub( "$lnUC1", langNameUCFirst )
if langNameTranslatedReq and inLang then
langNameTranslated = fetch( v, inLang )
line = line:gsub( "$lnTrP", langNameTranslated )
if langNameTranslatedUCFirstReq and inLang then
--if not langInstance then langInstance = mw.getLanguage( v ) end --Quota hit here
langNameTranslatedUCFirst = langInstance:ucfirst( langNameTranslated )
line = line:gsub( "$lnTrUC1", langNameTranslatedUCFirst )
--langInstance = nil
-- Don't know why ret:insert( line ) throws >>attempt to call method 'insert' (a nil value)<<
table.insert(ret, line)
return before .. table.concat( ret, sep ) .. after
Provide logic for [[Template:Lle]] (Language Links external, to be substituted)
function p.lle(frame)
local ret
local pattern = "{{<includeonly/>subst:#ifexist:{{{1}}}/$lc|[{{fullurl:{{{1}}}/$lc}} $lnUC1] {{<includeonly/>subst:!}} <!--\n-->}}"
ret = p.forEachLanguage({ args= { pattern = pattern } })
ret = frame:preprocess(ret)
return ret
Provide logic for [[Template:Ll]] (Language Links, to be substituted)
function p.ll(frame)
local ret
local pattern = "{{<includeonly/>subst:#ifexist:{{{1}}}/$lc|[[{{{1}}}/$lc{{<includeonly/>subst:!}}$lnUC1]] {{<includeonly/>subst:!}} <!--\n-->}}"
ret = p.forEachLanguage({ args= { pattern = pattern } })
ret = frame:preprocess(ret)
return ret
--- Different approaches for [[Template:Lang links]] ---
Provide logic for [[Template:Lang links]]
Using a cute Hybrid-Method:
First check the subpages which is quite fast; if there are too many fall back to checking for each language page individually
-- =p.langLinksNonExpensive({ args= { page='Commons:Picture of the Year/2010' }, getParent=function() end })
-- =p.langLinksNonExpensive({ args= { page='Main Page' }, getParent=function() end })
-- =p.langLinksNonExpensive({ args= { page='Template:No_source_since' }, getParent=function() end })
-- =p.langLinksNonExpensive({ args= { page='MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat' }, getParent=function() end })
function p.langLinksNonExpensive(frame)
local args, pargs = frame.args, ( frame:getParent() or {} ).args or {};
local title = args.page or args[1] or pargs.page or pargs[1] or "";
local contentLangInstance = mw.language.getContentLanguage();
local pages2
local options = { abort= { time=3.5, on=function()
pages2 = p.forEachLanguage({ args= { pattern = '{{#ifexist:' .. title .. '/$lc|[[' .. title .. '/$lc|$lnUC1]] | }}' } })
end } }
local pages = language_subpages( frame, function( basepagename, subpagename, code, langname )
return mw.ustring.format( '<span lang="%s" xml:lang="%s" class="language lang-%s" style="white-space:nowrap"><bdi>[[%s/%s|%s]]</bdi></span> | ',
code, code, code, basepagename, subpagename, contentLangInstance:ucfirst( langname ) )
end, options );
return pages2 and frame:preprocess(pages2) or table.concat( pages, '' );
----------------- [[Template:Autolang]] -----------------
Works like {{autotranslate}} just allowing an unlimited number of arguments, even named arguments.
It's doing Magic! No arguments should be passed to {{#invoke:}}
function p.autolang(frame)
local args, pargs = cloneArgs( frame )
if nil == args.useargs then
if not args.base then args = pargs end
elseif 'both' == args.useargs then
for k,v in pairs(args) do pargs[k] = v end
args = pargs
elseif 'parent' == args.useargs then
args = pargs
if pargs.base and not args.base then
args.base = pargs.base
local base = args.base
local userlang = frame:preprocess( '{{int:lang}}' )
local tl, tlns = 'Template:', 10
local tlb, fallback1, currenttemplate
local fallback, contentlang = mw.text.split( userlang, '-', true )[1], mw.language.getContentLanguage():getCode()
local createReturn = function(title)
local ret
local tlargs = {}
-- When LUA is invoked, templates are already expanded. This must be respected.
return frame:expandTemplate{ title = title, args = args }
if not base then
return ("'autolang' in [[Module:Languages]] was called but the 'base' parameter could not be found." ..
"The base parameter specifies the template that's subpages will be sought for a suitable translation.")
tlb = tl .. base .. '/'
currenttemplate = tlb .. userlang
if mw.title.new( currenttemplate, tlns ).exists then
return createReturn(currenttemplate)
fallback1 = frame:preprocess( '{{Fallback|1=' .. base .. '|2=' .. userlang .. '}}' )
if fallback1 ~= contentlang then
return createReturn(tlb .. fallback1)
currenttemplate = tlb .. fallback
if mw.title.new( currenttemplate, tlns ).exists then
return createReturn(currenttemplate)
currenttemplate = tlb .. contentlang
if mw.title.new( currenttemplate, tlns ).exists then
return createReturn(currenttemplate)
return createReturn(tl .. base)
{{#invoke:languages|isKnownLanguageTag|gsw}} -> 1
{{#invoke:languages|isKnownLanguageTag|doesNotExist}} ->
function p.isKnownLanguageTag(frame)
return mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag( frame.args[1] or frame.args.tag or frame.args.code or '' ) and '1' or ''
function p.file_languages(frame)
local M_link = require( 'Module:Link' )
local contentLangInstance = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local pattern = frame.args.pattern or '%s (%s)'
local original = frame.args.original or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local ext_start, _ = string.find( original, '\.%w+$' )
local file_ext = string.sub( original, ext_start )
original = string.sub( original, 0, ext_start-1 )
return frame:preprocess('<gallery>\n'..(table.concat(M_link.forEachLink( p.forEachLanguage( { args= { pattern = '[[$lc]]' } } ),
local filename = mw.ustring.format( pattern, original, linkInfo.text ) .. file_ext
if mw.title.new( filename, 6 ).exists then
return mw.ustring.format( '%s|%s', filename, contentLangInstance:ucfirst( mw.language.fetchLanguageName( linkInfo.text ) ) )
return nil
), '\n'))..'\n</gallery>')
return p;