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Parkin遺伝子は、常染色体性潜性(劣性)若年性パーキンソニズム(autosomal recessive-juvenile parkinsonism: AR-JP) の原因遺伝子である。Parkin遺伝子の正式名称はPRKNであり、PARK2とも表記される。遺伝子産物Parkinはユビキチン転移酵素(ユビキチンリガーゼ)であり、損傷したミトコンドリアを排除するミトコンドリアの品質管理に関与すると考えられている。一方、がん抑制遺伝子、らい菌の感受性遺伝子としても報告され、未解明の生理的機能も示唆される。



1998年、若年性パーキンソン病の一つである常染色体性潜性(劣性)若年性パーキンソニズム(Autosomal Recessive-Juvenile Parkinsonism: AR-JP)の原因遺伝子としてParkin (PRKN, PARK2)が同定された[1] 。パーキンソン病原因遺伝子としては、α-Synuclein (SNCA; PARK1/PARK4)に次いで、2番目に同定された遺伝子である。Parkinは、6番染色体(6q26)にある1.38 Mbの巨大な遺伝子で、欠失変異、フレームシフト変異、ミスセンス変異が、遺伝子全体にわたって見つかっている。Parkin変異は人種を越えてみられ、遺伝性若年性パーキンソン病の約50%を占めると報告されている[2][3]

Parkinタンパク質は基質タンパク質にユビキチンを転移するユビキチンリガーゼで、多くの病因変異でその活性が損なわれている[4][5][6] 。これまでにユビキチン化基質候補として数多くのタンパク質が報告されている[7] 。 2004年、PINK1(PTEN induced kinase 1; PARK6)が、常染色体性潜性若年性パーキンソン病原因遺伝子として同定された[8] 。遺伝性若年性パーキンソン病のうち、PINK1変異はParkinに次いで頻度が高く、Parkinと臨床像は類似している[9] 。ショウジョウバエを用いた遺伝学的研究から、常染色体性潜性(劣性)若年性パーキンソン病原因遺伝子PINK1がParkinの上流因子であり、PINK1とParkinがミトコンドリアの機能維持に関与することが明らかとなった[10][11][12] 。その後、ヒト培養細胞を用いた研究から、PINK1がParkinをリン酸化し[13][14][15] 、協働して膜電位の低下したミトコンドリアを除去するマイトファジー(ミトコンドリアを対象とするオートファジー)に関与することが明らかになった(図1)[16][17][18][19]


ヒトParkinタンパク質は465 アミノ酸残基からなり、N末端のユビキチン様ドメイン(Ubl)、C末端に2つのRING fingerモチーフ(RING1, RING2)とIn-Between-RINGs (IBR)という構造をもつ(図2)。その後、UblとRNIG1-IBR-RING2の間に、RING様構造が見つかり、RING0(またはUPD; unique parkin domain)と呼ばれる[20] (図2)。Parkinは、RING-IBR-RINGドメインを有するRBR型ユビキチンリガーゼに分類され、同様の構造をもヒトユビキチンリガーゼに、HOIL-1, HHARI, DORFINがある。タンパク質の全体構造は2013-2015年に解かれ、コンパクトに折り畳まれた状態であることが明らかとなった[21][22] (図3)。


コンパクトに折り畳まれたParkinは、活性中心がマスクされ不活性型である。Parkinの活性化は2つのステップで起こる。1段階目として、PINK1によってSer65がリン酸化されたユビキチン[23][24][25] がParkinのリン酸基結合ポケットに結合し、Ublのリン酸化サイト(Ser65)が露出する。2段階目に、露出したUblのSer65がPINK1によりリン酸化され、リン酸化UblがRING0/UPDに結合することで、RING2にある活性中心とRING1にあるユビキチン結合酵素(E2)結合部位が安定的に露出する[26] (図3)。


ヒトParkin mRNAはユビキタスに発現しているが、筋組織、腎臓、脳で比較的高発現をしている[1][27] 。哺乳類ゲノムにおいて、PRKNはPACRG (Parkin co-regulated gene)と双方向プロモーターを共有する[28] 。Parkinの発現を制御する転写因子として、N-myc [29] , p53 [30] , ATF4 [31] が報告されている。小胞体ストレス・ミトコンドリアストレス [32][33][34] 、成長因子・栄養制限 [35] などの環境要因でも発現上昇が見られる。

哺乳類細胞内では主に細胞質に局在するが、PINK1の活性化に伴って、ミトコンドリアへの集積が見られる[36][37] 。PINK1によるParkinのミトコンドリアへの集積の分子メカニズムは、2014-2015年に明らかされた(図4)[38][39][40]




ミトコンドリア局在性キナーゼPINK1は、ミトコンドリア膜電位依存的に健常なミトコンドリアの内膜まで輸送され、ミトコンドリア内プロテアーゼMPP(mitochondrial processing peptidase) [41] とPARL [42][43] によって2段階の切断を受け、その後、細胞質にてユビキチン-プロテアソーム経路で分解されると考えられている[44] 。ミトコンドリア膜電位が低下すると、膜電位依存的な輸送効率が低下し、ミトコンドリア外膜に蓄積、自己会合および自己リン酸化により、キナーゼが活性化する[45][46][47] (図5)。以上から、PINK1は膜電位が低下した(機能低下した)ミトコンドリアを検出するセンサーとして働くと考えられる。


マイトファジー時のParkinのユビキチン化基質は数多く報告され、ミトコンドリア外膜・内膜・マトリクスタンパク質のほか、細胞質や核のタンパク質も含まれる[49] 。そのうち、Dynamin-like GTPase, Mitofusin(哺乳類ではMitofusin 1とMitofusin 2がある)は、Parkinによって早期にユビキチン化とその後のプロテアソーム経路での分解を受けるミトコンドリア外膜分子として知られる。Mitofusinの分解により、ミトコンドリアが断片化する[50][51][52][53][54] 。ミトコンドリアの断片化は、隔離膜形成とオートファジーによる除去を容易にすると考えられる[55] 。実際、ミトコンドリア断片化に働くDynamin-like GTPase, Drp1の過剰発現は、ParkinやPINK1ノックアウトハエのミトコンドリア変性を緩和する[56][57] 。このDrp1の効果は、Parkin非介在マイトファジーによる補完を促進するからと考えられる。



ミトコンドリア外膜Rho-GTPase, Miro (哺乳類ではMiro 1とMiro 2がある)は、キネシンタンパク質KIF5と協働して、微小管を介したミトコンドリアの順行輸送に関与する[59][60] 。神経細胞においては、神経軸索、前シナプスへのミトコンドリア供給機構として重要である。MiroがPINK1-Parkinによりユビキチン化、プロテアソーム経路での分解を受けることにより、ミトコンドリア輸送が停止する[59][61] 。その生理的意義として、不良ミトコンドリアを神経終末へ輸送しないミトコンドリア品質管理と考えられる(図6)。


ParkinはPACRG (Parkin co-regulated gene)とともにサルモネラ菌、らい菌感染の感受性遺伝子座に位置する[62][63] 。実験的にParkinが結核菌のゼノファジー(異物排除のためのオートファジー)に関与することが示されたが、Parkinが活性化するメカニズムは不明である[64]


ミトコンドリアゲノム変異[65] ・異常タンパク質のミトコンドリアへの蓄積引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグです。数が多すぎるなどの理由で名前が無効です を示す動物モデルで、Parkinが不良ミトコンドリアの除去に関与することが示されている。しかし、マイトファジーを可視化できるmito-QCマウスの中脳黒質ドーパミン神経では、Parkinを介したマイトファジーは検出されていない[66] 。一方、マイトファジーを可視化するmt-Keimaを用いたマウスでは、PINK1の欠失によって、強負荷運動後の心筋におけるマイトファジーが減少することが報告されている[67]

ショウジョウバエでは、加齢依存的な中枢ドーパミン神経のマイトファジーにParkinが関与するという報告[68] 、しないという報告[69][70] がある。ただし文献[71] では、非神経組織において、低酸素処理によるマイトファジーや、ミトコンドリアから活性酸素種を発生させるロテノン処理で誘導されるマイトファジーにPINK1、Parkinが関与すると報告している。ショウジョウバエモデルにおいて、PINK1やParkinが中枢ドーパミン神経のマイトファジーに関与するという文献[68] ではmt-Keimaを、関与しないという文献[69] ではmt-Keimaとmito-QCを、非神経組織でのPINK1-Parkin依存的なマイトファジーをみた文献[71] ではmt-Keimaを、マイトファジーのレポーターとして用いている。今後、新たなマイトファジー解析手法が待たれる状況である。


AR-JP脳アストロサイトの形態的異常や患者iPS細胞で作製した中脳オルガノイドでのアストロサイトの分化能低下[74] 、Parkinノックアウトマウスにおいてアストロサイトのミトコンドリア損傷の報告[75] がある。

免疫・炎症へのParkinの関与が示唆されている。PINK1とParkinは、ミトコンドリアの抗原提示経路に関わる分子Sorting nexin-9を分解し、T細胞への抗原提示を阻害する。Parkinのこの機能が過剰な免疫反応を抑制している可能性が報告された[76] . PINK1, Parkinノックアウトマウスでは、ミトコンドリアへの強い負荷(激しい運動やミトコンドリアDNAへの構成的な変異の蓄積)により、STING経路を介した炎症性サイトカインの上昇がみられる [67] 。STINGは血清中に遊離した損傷ミトコンドリアのDNAを認識し、自然免疫を活性化する。ミトコンドリアストレスで生した損傷ミトコンドリアのPINK1-Parkin経路を介したマイトファジーでの除去が、炎症の沈静化に寄与していることが示唆されている。


PRKNのホモ接合性変異、複合ヘテロ接合性変異で、若年発症のパーキンソン病を発症する。ヘテロ接合性変異により、パーキンソン病を晩発で発症する例も見られる[77] 。PRKNの病因変異やレアバリアントの報告は、世界中で多数あり、以下のデータベースで検索できる。

MDS gene の Parkin





DECIPHER Genome Browser

PRKNミスセンス病因変異・レアバリアントとタンパク質の安定性・マイトファジーとの相関を培養細胞で調べた研究がある[78] 。病態が比較的重篤なミスセンス病因変異は、すべてマイトファジー活性が50%以下に低下していた。しかし、病態が軽度・病態への意義が不明なミスセンス病因変異・レアバリアントでは、マイトファジーへの影響がほとんどなく、まれに亢進しているものも観察された。ユビキチンリガーゼ活性やタンパク質の安定性に影響しない病因変異については、不活性状態を解くアミノ酸への置換(REPを不安定化させるF146AやW403A、図3参照)の導入により、マイトファジー活性が戻ることが示された。この観察は、Parkinの不活性状態を解く化合物がパーキンソン病の疾患修飾薬となる可能性を示唆している。

Parkin変異によるパーキンソン病の典型的な臨床像として、40歳未満での発症、緩慢な病態進行、正常な認知機能、下肢ジストニア、良好なL-ドーパへの反応性、が挙げられる [79] 。神経病理学的特徴として、黒質および青斑核に限局した神経細胞減少を示し、グリオーシスは通常見られない。孤発性パーキンソン病の特徴的病理所見であるレビュー小体は通常みられない[79] 。10歳未満での発症の報告もあり、Parkinはドーパミン神経発生の段階で機能していることが推察される[80][81] 。 Parkin変異患者由来のiPS細胞から作製したドーパミン神経では、リン酸化ユビキチンのシグナルが低下し、不良ミトコンドリアの神経軸索輸送停止が障害されている[82] 。 その他、がん抑制遺伝子として、いくつか報告がある[83][84][85][86][87]



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    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
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  7. Zhang, C.W., Hang, L., Yao, T.P., & Lim, K.L. (2015).
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    Mutation analysis of the PINK1 gene in 391 patients with Parkinson disease. Archives of neurology, 65(6), 802-8. [PubMed:18541801] [WorldCat] [DOI]
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    Drosophila pink1 is required for mitochondrial function and interacts genetically with parkin. Nature, 441(7097), 1162-6. [PubMed:16672981] [WorldCat] [DOI]
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  12. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  13. Kondapalli, C., Kazlauskaite, A., Zhang, N., Woodroof, H.I., Campbell, D.G., Gourlay, R., ..., & Muqit, M.M. (2012).
    PINK1 is activated by mitochondrial membrane potential depolarization and stimulates Parkin E3 ligase activity by phosphorylating Serine 65. Open biology, 2(5), 120080. [PubMed:22724072] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  14. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  15. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  16. Narendra, D., Tanaka, A., Suen, D.F., & Youle, R.J. (2008).
    Parkin is recruited selectively to impaired mitochondria and promotes their autophagy. The Journal of cell biology, 183(5), 795-803. [PubMed:19029340] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  17. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  18. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  19. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  20. Hristova, V.A., Beasley, S.A., Rylett, R.J., & Shaw, G.S. (2009).
    Identification of a novel Zn2+-binding domain in the autosomal recessive juvenile Parkinson-related E3 ligase parkin. The Journal of biological chemistry, 284(22), 14978-86. [PubMed:19339245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  21. Trempe, J.F., Sauvé, V., Grenier, K., Seirafi, M., Tang, M.Y., Ménade, M., ..., & Gehring, K. (2013).
    Structure of parkin reveals mechanisms for ubiquitin ligase activation. Science (New York, N.Y.), 340(6139), 1451-5. [PubMed:23661642] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  22. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  23. Kane, L.A., Lazarou, M., Fogel, A.I., Li, Y., Yamano, K., Sarraf, S.A., ..., & Youle, R.J. (2014).
    PINK1 phosphorylates ubiquitin to activate Parkin E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. The Journal of cell biology, 205(2), 143-53. [PubMed:24751536] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  24. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  25. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  26. Wauer, T., Simicek, M., Schubert, A., & Komander, D. (2015).
    Mechanism of phospho-ubiquitin-induced PARKIN activation. Nature, 524(7565), 370-4. [PubMed:26161729] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  27. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  28. West, A.B., Lockhart, P.J., O'Farell, C., & Farrer, M.J. (2003).
    Identification of a novel gene linked to parkin via a bi-directional promoter. Journal of molecular biology, 326(1), 11-9. [PubMed:12547187] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  29. West, A.B., Kapatos, G., O'Farrell, C., Gonzalez-de-Chavez, F., Chiu, K., Farrer, M.J., & Maidment, N.T. (2004).
    N-myc regulates parkin expression. The Journal of biological chemistry, 279(28), 28896-902. [PubMed:15078880] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  30. Zhang, C., Lin, M., Wu, R., Wang, X., Yang, B., Levine, A.J., ..., & Feng, Z. (2011).
    Parkin, a p53 target gene, mediates the role of p53 in glucose metabolism and the Warburg effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(39), 16259-64. [PubMed:21930938] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  31. Bouman, L., Schlierf, A., Lutz, A.K., Shan, J., Deinlein, A., Kast, J., ..., & Winklhofer, K.F. (2011).
    Parkin is transcriptionally regulated by ATF4: evidence for an interconnection between mitochondrial stress and ER stress. Cell death and differentiation, 18(5), 769-82. [PubMed:21113145] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  32. Imai, Y., Soda, M., & Takahashi, R. (2000).
    Parkin suppresses unfolded protein stress-induced cell death through its E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase activity. The Journal of biological chemistry, 275(46), 35661-4. [PubMed:10973942] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  33. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
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  35. Klinkenberg, M., Gispert, S., Dominguez-Bautista, J.A., Braun, I., Auburger, G., & Jendrach, M. (2012).
    Restriction of trophic factors and nutrients induces PARKIN expression. Neurogenetics, 13(1), 9-21. [PubMed:22028146] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  36. Narendra, D.P., Jin, S.M., Tanaka, A., Suen, D.F., Gautier, C.A., Shen, J., ..., & Youle, R.J. (2010).
    PINK1 is selectively stabilized on impaired mitochondria to activate Parkin. PLoS biology, 8(1), e1000298. [PubMed:20126261] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  37. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  38. 38.0 38.1 Ordureau, A., Sarraf, S.A., Duda, D.M., Heo, J.M., Jedrychowski, M.P., Sviderskiy, V.O., ..., & Harper, J.W. (2014).
    Quantitative proteomics reveal a feedforward mechanism for mitochondrial PARKIN translocation and ubiquitin chain synthesis. Molecular cell, 56(3), 360-75. [PubMed:25284222] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  39. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  40. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  41. Greene, A.W., Grenier, K., Aguileta, M.A., Muise, S., Farazifard, R., Haque, M.E., ..., & Fon, E.A. (2012).
    Mitochondrial processing peptidase regulates PINK1 processing, import and Parkin recruitment. EMBO reports, 13(4), 378-85. [PubMed:22354088] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  42. Zhou, C., Huang, Y., Shao, Y., May, J., Prou, D., Perier, C., ..., & Przedborski, S. (2008).
    The kinase domain of mitochondrial PINK1 faces the cytoplasm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(33), 12022-7. [PubMed:18687899] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  43. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  44. Yamano, K., & Youle, R.J. (2013).
    PINK1 is degraded through the N-end rule pathway. Autophagy, 9(11), 1758-69. [PubMed:24121706] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  45. Okatsu, K., Kimura, M., Oka, T., Tanaka, K., & Matsuda, N. (2015).
    Unconventional PINK1 localization to the outer membrane of depolarized mitochondria drives Parkin recruitment. Journal of cell science, 128(5), 964-78. [PubMed:25609704] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  46. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  47. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  48. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  49. Sarraf, S.A., Raman, M., Guarani-Pereira, V., Sowa, M.E., Huttlin, E.L., Gygi, S.P., & Harper, J.W. (2013).
    Landscape of the PARKIN-dependent ubiquitylome in response to mitochondrial depolarization. Nature, 496(7445), 372-6. [PubMed:23503661] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  50. Gegg, M.E., Cooper, J.M., Chau, K.Y., Rojo, M., Schapira, A.H., & Taanman, J.W. (2010).
    Mitofusin 1 and mitofusin 2 are ubiquitinated in a PINK1/parkin-dependent manner upon induction of mitophagy. Human molecular genetics, 19(24), 4861-70. [PubMed:20871098] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  51. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  52. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  53. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  54. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  55. Tanaka, A., Cleland, M.M., Xu, S., Narendra, D.P., Suen, D.F., Karbowski, M., & Youle, R.J. (2010).
    Proteasome and p97 mediate mitophagy and degradation of mitofusins induced by Parkin. The Journal of cell biology, 191(7), 1367-80. [PubMed:21173115] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  56. Deng, H., Dodson, M.W., Huang, H., & Guo, M. (2008).
    The Parkinson's disease genes pink1 and parkin promote mitochondrial fission and/or inhibit fusion in Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(38), 14503-8. [PubMed:18799731] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  57. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  58. Lu, X., Altshuler-Keylin, S., Wang, Q., Chen, Y., Henrique Sponton, C., Ikeda, K., ..., & Kajimura, S. (2018).
    Mitophagy controls beige adipocyte maintenance through a Parkin-dependent and UCP1-independent mechanism. Science signaling, 11(527). [PubMed:29692364] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  59. 59.0 59.1 Wang, X., Winter, D., Ashrafi, G., Schlehe, J., Wong, Y.L., Selkoe, D., ..., & Schwarz, T.L. (2011).
    PINK1 and Parkin target Miro for phosphorylation and degradation to arrest mitochondrial motility. Cell, 147(4), 893-906. [PubMed:22078885] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  60. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  61. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
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  66. McWilliams, T.G., Prescott, A.R., Montava-Garriga, L., Ball, G., Singh, F., Barini, E., ..., & Ganley, I.G. (2018).
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  70. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
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  73. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
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  81. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  82. Shiba-Fukushima, K., Ishikawa, K.I., Inoshita, T., Izawa, N., Takanashi, M., Sato, S., ..., & Hattori, N. (2017).
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  84. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  85. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  86. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]
  87. Grabowska, M.E., Huang, A., Wen, Z., Li, B., & Wei, W.Q. (2023).
    Drug repurposing for Alzheimer's disease from 2012-2022-a 10-year literature review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14, 1257700. [PubMed:37745051] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Abdalla, S., Abdalla, M., Saad, M., Jones, D., Podolsky, S., & Abdalla, M. (2023).
    Ethnicity and gender trends of UK authors in The British Medical Journal and the Lancet over the past two decades: a comprehensive longitudinal analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 64, 102174. [PubMed:37711218] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Asif, F., Sultan, F., Masood, I., Baig, S., Ekmecki, P.E., Vaswani, V., ..., & Crawley, F. (2023).
    A Scoping Review Of The Literature Of Research Ethics Committees And Ethics Review Framework In Pakistan: What We Know And What We Still Need To Learn. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 73(8), 1667-1674. [PubMed:37697760] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Demeli, A., & Meyer, J.C. (2023).
    The assessment of haematologic and serum chemistry parameters in canine pyometra: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of small animal practice, 64(9), 543-551. [PubMed:37691297] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shariat, A., Najafabadi, M.G., Kelly Dos Santos, I., Anastasio, A.T., Milajerdi, H.R., Hassanzadeh, G., & Nouri, E. (2023).
    The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. [PubMed:37690741] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Bailly, C. (2023).
    Efficacy and safety of the traditional herbal medication Chai-Ling-Tang (in China), Siryung-tang (in Republic of Korea) or Sairei-To (in Japan). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 319(Pt 1), 117127. [PubMed:37683930] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moghadasi, A.N., Ebrahimi, N., Haghparast, E., Rastkar, M., Mokhberdezfuli, M., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Oceania, a systematic review, and meta-analysis. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. [PubMed:37682389] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Shahraki, Z., Rastkar, M., Rastkar, E., Mohammadifar, M., Mohamadi, A., & Ghajarzadeh, M. (2023).
    Impact of menopause on relapse rate and disability level in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC neurology, 23(1), 316. [PubMed:37667181] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Wu, J., Cao, M., Peng, Y., Dong, B., Jiang, Y., Hu, C., ..., & Chen, Z. (2023).
    Research progress on the treatment of epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology, 120, 155022. [PubMed:37647670] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Moin-Vaziri, V., & Badakhshan, M. (2023).
    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 17(1), 28-35. [PubMed:37609568] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Issa, P.P., Munshi, R., Albuck, A.L., Omar, M., Abu Alhuda, R.F., Metz, T., ..., & Kandil, E. (2023).
    Recommend with caution: A meta-analysis investigating papillary thyroid carcinoma tumor progression under active surveillance. American journal of otolaryngology, 44(6), 103994. [PubMed:37607459] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Ayalew, T.L., Haile, K.E., Feleke, M.G., Zewudie, B.T., & Chichiabellu, T.Y. (2023).
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23(1), 413. [PubMed:37605128] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Tanzadehpanah, H., Lotfian, E., Avan, A., Saki, S., Nobari, S., Mahmoodian, R., ..., & Mahaki, H. (2023).
    Role of SARS-COV-2 and ACE2 in the pathophysiology of peripheral vascular diseases. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 166, 115321. [PubMed:37597321] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Teixeira, C.A., Morais, A.N.P., Moura, G.A., Gomes, I.A., Souza, S.V., Dias, M.O.M., ..., & Monteiro, P.B. (2023).
    The impact of thyroid disorders on the clinical outcome of assisted reproductive techniques: a systematic approach over the last 10 years. JBRA assisted reproduction. [PubMed:37579266] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Narayanan, A., Garza-Berlanga, A., & Lopera, J. (2023).
    Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a narrative review assessing treatment options from the interventional radiologist’s perspective. Annals of palliative medicine. [PubMed:37574584] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Prado, M.C., Dotto, L., Agostini, B., & Sarkis-Onofre, R. (2023).
    Meta-research study highlights the gender gap in randomized controlled trials in dentistry. Journal of clinical epidemiology. [PubMed:37574081] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Chagas, A.P., da Silva, N.G., Ribeiro, C.M., & Amato, A.A. (2023).
    Early-life exposure to antibiotics and excess body weight in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice, 17(4), 318-334. [PubMed:37573229] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Su, J., Chen, X.M., Xie, Y.L., Li, M.Q., Shang, Q., Zhang, D.K., ..., & Han, L. (2023).
    Clinical efficacy, pharmacodynamic components, and molecular mechanisms of antiviral granules in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 318(Pt B), 117011. [PubMed:37567423] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Gan, H., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, G., Lai, C., Lv, Y., & Li, Y. (2023).
    Questionnaire-based analysis of autism spectrum disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11, 1120728. [PubMed:37565245] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]

    Cahill, A.M., & Carlson, J.C. (2023).
    A Scoping Review of Physician Advocacy on Twitter. Cureus, 15(7), e41632. [PubMed:37565125] [PMC] [WorldCat] [DOI]