
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
114行目: 114行目:
|簡易精神症状評価尺度<br>(Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; BPRS)
|簡易精神症状評価尺度<br>(Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; BPRS)
|Overallと Gorham(1962)<ref>'''Overall JE, Gorham DR'''<br>The brief psychiatric rating scale. <br>''Psychological Reports'' 1962 vol. 10, pp799­-812. 1962</ref>
|Overallと Gorham(1962)<ref>'''J E Overall, D R Gorham'''<br>The brief psychiatric rating scale. <br>''Psychological Reports'' 1962 vol. 10, pp799­-812. 1962</ref>
|陽性・陰性症状評価尺度<br>(Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; PANSS)
|陽性・陰性症状評価尺度<br>(Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; PANSS)
|Kayら(1991)<ref>'''Kay SR, Opler LA, Fiszbein A'''<br>Positive and negative syndrome scale. <br>''Multi-Health System Inc.'' Tronto, Canada, 1991. </ref>
|Kayら(1991)<ref>'''S R Kay, L A Opler, A Fiszbein'''<br>Positive and negative syndrome scale. <br>''Multi-Health System Inc.'' Tronto, Canada, 1991. </ref>
|クオリティ・オブ・ライフ尺度<br>(Quality of Life Scale; QLS)
|クオリティ・オブ・ライフ尺度<br>(Quality of Life Scale; QLS)
186行目: 186行目:
|リーボヴィッツ社交不安尺度<br>(Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale; L-SAS)
|リーボヴィッツ社交不安尺度<br>(Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale; L-SAS)
|Liebowitz(1987)<ref>Liebowitz MR. Social Phobia. Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry 1987;22:141-173</ref>
|Liebowitz(1987)<ref>'''M R Liebowitz'''<br>Social Phobia.<br>''Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry'' 1987;22:141-173</ref>
|パニック障害重症度評価尺度<br>(Panic Disorder Severity Scale; PDSS)
|パニック障害重症度評価尺度<br>(Panic Disorder Severity Scale; PDSS)
