
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
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|+ 表1.
| 分類||対象||プローブ名||年||プローブデザイン||参考文献
|rowspan="21" | 生体内小分子|| [[カルシウム]] ||Cameleon|| 1997 || 3-2 || <ref><pubmed>9278050</pubmed></ref>
|[[サイクリックGMP]] ([[cGMP]]) ||CGY, Cygnet, pGES-DE2, cGi|| 2000, 2001, 2006 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>11140757</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed>11226257</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed>16369548</pubmed></ref>
|[[サイクリックAMP]] ([[cAMP]]) ||Epac|| 2000,2004 || 2, 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>11872839</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 15231839</pubmed></ref>
|[[イノシトール3リン酸]] ([[IP3|IP<sub>3</sub>]]) ||LIBRA, Fretino, FIRE|| 2004, 2005, 2006 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>15272011</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 16053285</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 16754959</pubmed></ref>
|[[一酸化窒素]] ([[NO]]) ||NOA-1, Piccell|| 2005, 2006 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>16176986</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 17165805</pubmed></ref>
|[[アデノシン3リン酸]] ([[ATP]]) ||A Team 1.03-nD/nA|| 2012 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>19720993</pubmed></ref>
|[[エストロゲン]] ||SCCoR|| 2004 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>15080726</pubmed></ref>
|[[アンドロゲン]] ||Ficaro|| 2006 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>16555356</pubmed></ref>
|[[グルココルチコイド受容体]]リガンド ||GLUCOCOR|| 2007 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>17897691</pubmed></ref>
|[[神経成長因子]] ||ECaus|| 2008 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>18510313</pubmed></ref>
|[[核内受容体]] ||conpro|| 2007 || 3-2 || <ref><pubmed>17387660</pubmed></ref>
|[[O-N-アセチルグルコサミン]] ([[O-GlcNAc]]) || || 2006 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>17105262</pubmed></ref>
|[[ビタミンA]] ([[レチノイン酸]]) ||GEPRAS|| 2013 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>23563268</pubmed></ref>
|[[wj:モリブデン酸|モリブデン酸]] ||MolyProbe|| 2013 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>23472155</pubmed></ref>
|[[グルタミン酸]] ||FLIPE|| 2005 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>15939876</pubmed></ref>
|[[wj:亜鉛|Zn<sup>2+</sup>]] ||eCALWY-1|| 2009 || 2 || <ref><pubmed>19718032</pubmed></ref>
|[[wj:塩素|Cl<sup>-</sup>]] ||Clomeleon|| 2000 || other || <ref><pubmed>11055428</pubmed></ref>
|[[wj:水素イオン濃度|水素イオン濃度]] (pH) ||GFpH, YFpH|| 2001 || other || <ref><pubmed>11716495</pubmed></ref>
|[[wj:グルコース|グルコース]] ||FLIPglu|| 2003 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>12649277</pubmed></ref>
|[[wj:マルトース|マルトース]]||FLIPmal|| 2002 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>12097642</pubmed></ref>
|[[wj:リボース|リボース]]||FLIPrib|| 2003 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>14550551</pubmed></ref>
|rowspan="26" | キナーゼ || [[カルシウム/カルモジュリン依存製タンパク質キナーゼII]] ([[CaMKII]]) ||Camui α, green-Camui α, Camk2a reporter|| 2005, 2009, 2011, 2013 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>15788767</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 19295602</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 23602566</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 21506563</pubmed></ref>
| [[Src]] ||Srcus|| 2005, 2005, 2007 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>11752449</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 15846350</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 17284441</pubmed></ref>
| プロテインキナーゼC (PKC) ||CKAR, CY-PKCdelta|| 2003, 2005 || 3-3, 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>12782683</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 15611119</pubmed></ref>
| プロテインキナーゼD (PKD) ||DKAR|| 2007 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>17189263</pubmed></ref>
| プロテインキナーゼA (PKA) ||ART, AKAR|| 2000, 2001 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>10700148</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed>11752448</pubmed></ref>
|- Table 1 A list of genetically encoded FRET probes.
| Abl ||Picchu|| 2001 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>11752449</pubmed></ref>
| Bcr-Abl ||Bcr-Abl activity sensor||2010 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>20817824</pubmed></ref>
| c-Raf ||Prin-cRaf|| 2005 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>15711535</pubmed></ref>
| PAK1 ||Pakabi|| 2009 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>19574218</pubmed></ref>
| B-raf ||Prin-Braf|| 2006 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>16858395</pubmed></ref>
| ZAP-70 ||ROZA|| 2008 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>18231606</pubmed></ref>
| Akt ||Aktus, BKAR, Akind|| 2003, 2005, 2007 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>12773546</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 15583002</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 17407381</pubmed></ref>
| ERK ||Miu2, Erkus, EKAR|| 2006, 2007, 2008 || 3-1,3-3,3-3 || <ref><pubmed>16418172</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 17261026</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 19033456</pubmed></ref>
| インシュリン受容体 ||Phocus|| 2002 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>11875431</pubmed></ref>
| 上皮成長因子受容体 (EGFR) || ||2001 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>11752449</pubmed></ref>
| Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) || || 2007 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>17428747</pubmed></ref>
|オーロラBキナーゼ || || 2008 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>18463638</pubmed></ref>
| Cyclin B1-CDK1 || || 2010 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>20412769</pubmed></ref>
| ミオシン軽鎖リン酸化酵素 ||MLCK-FIP || 2002 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>11815633</pubmed></ref>
| JNK ||JNKAR1, JUNKAR1EV || 2010, 2011 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>20212108</pubmed></ref><ref name=ref21976697><pubmed> 21976697</pubmed></ref>
| RSK ||Eevee-RSK|| 2011 || 3-3 || <ref name=ref21976697></ref>
| S6K ||Eevee-S6K|| 2011 || 3-3 || <ref name=ref21976697></ref>
| Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) ||CYFAK413, FERM-sensor|| 2008, 2009 || 2, 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>17967873</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 19208768</pubmed></ref>
| PLK1 || || 2008 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>18615013</pubmed></ref>
| SAP3K || || 2009 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>19737916</pubmed></ref>
| DAPK1 ||DAPK1(334)-F40|| 2011 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>21506563</pubmed></ref>
| ホスファターゼ || カルシニューリン ||CaNAR1|| 2008, 2013 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>23602566</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 18493642</pubmed></ref>
|rowspan="8" | 低分子量GTPアーゼ || Ras ||Raichu-Ras, Fras|| 2001, 2006 || 3-2,2 || <ref><pubmed>16429133</pubmed></ref><ref name=ref11429608><pubmed> 11429608</pubmed></ref>
| Rap ||Raichu-Rap|| 2001 || 3-2 || <ref name=ref11429608></ref>
| Rac ||Raichu-Rac1|| 2004 || 3-2 || <ref><pubmed>14570905</pubmed></ref>
| Rab5 ||Raichu-Rab5|| 2008 || 3-2 || <ref><pubmed>18385674</pubmed></ref>
| Rho ||Raichu-RhoA|| 2003, 2011 || 3-2, 2 || <ref><pubmed>21423166</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 12860967</pubmed></ref>
| Cdc42 ||Raichu-cdc42|| 2004, 2011 || 3-2, 2 || <ref><pubmed>14570905</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 21423166</pubmed></ref>
| Ral ||Raichu-Ral|| 2004 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>15034142</pubmed></ref>
| TC10 ||Raichu-TC10|| 2006 || 3-2 || <ref><pubmed>16950130</pubmed></ref>
|rowspan="6" | シグナル伝達 || RCC1(GEF of Ran) ||CFP-RCC1-YFP|| 2008 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>18762580</pubmed></ref>
| CrkII phosphorylation ||Picchu|| 2001 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>11406630</pubmed></ref>
| N-WASP ||Stinger|| 2004 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>15084285</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 14732696</pubmed></ref>
| アドレナリン受容体 ||α<sub>2A</sub>AR-cam|| 2003 || 3-1 || <ref name=ref12808462><pubmed>12808462</pubmed></ref>
| Parathyroid hormone receptor ||PTHR-cam|| 2003 || 3-1 || <ref name=ref12808462></ref>
| 細胞膜カルシウムポンプ ||BFP-PMCA-GFP|| 2007 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>17901055</pubmed></ref>
| アセチル化 || ヒストンアセチル化 ||Histac|| 2004, 2009 || 3-3 || <ref><pubmed>15137760</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 19805290</pubmed></ref>
|rowspan="6" | 脂質 || Phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PIP3) ||Fllip, FLIMPA|| 2003 || 3-4 || <ref><pubmed>14528311</pubmed></ref>
| Phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate (PIP2) ||Pippi-PI(4,5)P<sub>2</sub>|| 2008 || 3-4 || <ref name=ref18685081><pubmed>18685081</pubmed></ref>
| Phosphatidylinositol (3,4)-bisphosphate (PI(3,4)P2) ||Pippi-PI(3,4)P<sub>2</sub>|| 2008 || 3-4 || <ref name=ref18685081></ref>
| Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P) ||Pippi-PI(4)P|| 2008 || 3-4 || <ref name=ref18685081></ref>
| ホスファチジン酸 ||Pii|| 2010 || 3-4 || <ref><pubmed>20826779</pubmed></ref>
| ジアシルグリセロール (DAG) ||Daglas, DIGDA|| 2006, 2008 || 3-4 || <ref><pubmed>18685081</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 16990811</pubmed></ref>
|rowspan="6" | タンパク質相互作用 || アクチン || ||2004, 2008 || 2 || <ref><pubmed>15361876</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 18512154</pubmed></ref>
| PDK1-Akt interaction || ||2007 || 2 || <ref><pubmed>17407381</pubmed></ref>
| Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B-receptor tyrosine kinases (PTP 1B-RTKs) interaction || || 2002 || 2 || <ref><pubmed>11872838</pubmed></ref>
| Breast cancer resistance protein/ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member) BCRP/ABCG || ||2010 || 2 || <ref><pubmed>20622991</pubmed></ref>
| Cofiin-actin interaction || ||2008 || 2 || <ref><pubmed>17993279</pubmed></ref>
| PTEN-Myosin V interaction || ||2009 || 2 || <ref><pubmed>19767745</pubmed></ref>
|rowspan="8" | プロテアーゼ || カスパーゼ-3 ||EGFP-DEVD-EBFP|| 1998 || 1 || <ref><pubmed>9518501</pubmed></ref>
| カスパーゼ-8 ||CFP-c3-YFP-c6-mRFP|| 2002 || 1 || <ref><pubmed>12409609</pubmed></ref>
| カスパーゼ-9 ||SCAT9|| 2011 || 1 || <ref><pubmed>21637712</pubmed></ref>
| カスパーゼ-7 ||VDEVDc|| 2006 || 1 || <ref><pubmed>17946841</pubmed></ref>
| マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ (MMP) ||YFP-MSS-CFP<sup>display</sup>, MTI-MMP-FRET biosensor|| 2007, 2008 || 1 || <ref><pubmed>17187878</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 18441011</pubmed></ref>
| プロテアーゼ活性 (Factor Xa) || ||1996 || 1 || <ref><pubmed>8707050</pubmed></ref>
|カルパイン活性||pYSCS|| 2000 || 1 || <ref><pubmed>10688895</pubmed></ref>
| プレセニリン ||GFP-PSI-RFP|| 2009 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>19924286</pubmed></ref>
|rowspan="5" | その他 || Strain sensor ||stFRET|| 2008 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>18479457</pubmed></ref>
| 膜電位 ||VSFP, Mermaid, ArcLight, VSFP-Butterfly|| 2001, 2008, 2012 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>11454036</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 18622396</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 22958819</pubmed></ref>
| ミオシン II ||GSldCB|| 1998, 2006 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>9845076</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 16939200</pubmed></ref>
| ヒト免疫不全ウイルスRevタンパク質 ||YRGnC-11ad|| 2005 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>16013840</pubmed></ref>
|| レドックス ||Redoxfluor, Gaskins|| 2010, 2011 || 3-1 || <ref><pubmed>20498274</pubmed></ref><ref><pubmed> 21606117</pubmed></ref>
The numbers in the Probe Design column correspond to the section number in the “Strategies of probe design” chapter of the main text. See the webpage by Dr. Michiyuki Matsuda http://www.lif.kyoto-u.ac.jp/labs/fret/e-phogemon/unifret.htm for updated information.
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2024年6月13日 (木) 23:00時点における最新版