
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
1行目: 1行目:
he extension is called whenever an ArticleSave event occurs.
It requests the page titles one by one from the wiki database, starting with the longest title.
For each of the page titles:
If the working page title from the database is different from the current page title:
Break the page content string into parts separated by wiki links "..." or by headings "==...==".
For each substrings that does not represent a wiki links or heading:
Perform a regular expression search and replace to add ... to every occurrence of the title.
Put the substrings back together.
If smart mode is enabled:
For each substrings that does not represent a wiki links or heading:
Perform a case-insensitive regular expression search and replace to add ... or ... to every occurrence of the title.
Put the substrings back together.
Repeat with the next heading.