
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
1行目: 1行目:
[[ファイル:Saito eye movement Fig2-1.mp4|&loop=0]]
=== A little bit further === <!--T:153-->
In the following table you will find some examples for both methods:
! <translate><!--T:4--> Wikitext</translate> !! <translate><!--T:5--> Rendering</translate>
|-  <ins>Sandbox</ins>
|<pre><translate nowrap>
* Lists are easy to do:
** start every line
* with a star
** more stars mean
*** deeper levels</translate></pre>
* Lists are easy to do:
** start every line
* with a star
** more stars mean
*** deeper levels</translate>
|<pre><translate nowrap>
* A newline
* in a list 
marks the end of the list.
Of course
* you can
* start again.</translate></pre>
* A newline
* in a list 
marks the end of the list.
Of course
* you can
* start again.</translate>
|<pre><translate nowrap>
# Numbered lists are good
## very organized
## easy to follow</translate></pre>
# Numbered lists are good
## very organized
## easy to follow</translate>
|<pre><translate nowrap>
* You can also
** break lines
** like this</translate></pre>
* You can also
**break lines
**like this</translate>
|<pre><translate nowrap>
; Description or definition lists
; term : definition
; semicolon plus term
: colon plus definition</translate></pre>
; Definition lists
; item : definition
; semicolon plus term
: colon plus definition</translate>
|<pre><translate nowrap>
; Mixed definition lists
; item 1 : definition
:; sub-item 1 plus term
:: two colons plus definition
:; sub-item 2 : colon plus definition
; item 2
: back to the main list</translate></pre>
; Mixed definition lists
; item 1 : definition
:; sub-item 1 plus term
:: two colons plus definition
:; sub-item 2 : colon plus definition
; item 2
: back to the main list</translate>
|<pre><translate nowrap>
* Or create mixed lists
*# and nest them
*#* like this
*#*; definitions
*#*: work:
*#*; apple
*#*; banana
*#*: fruits</translate></pre>
* Or create mixed lists
*# and nest them
*#* like this
*#*; definitions
*#*: work:
*#*; apple
*#*; banana
*#*: fruits</translate>